
About the Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects

As the Green Climate Fund increases its portfolio, it is critical to look at how the Fund has been implementing its own Indigenous Peoples Policy in terms of assessing, approving and monitoring approved funding proposals. However, there remains a gap in terms of understanding the entire GCF portfolio to date, in relation to indigenous peoples as there is no complete picture as to how many projects are going to be implemented in indigenous peoples’ territories, what these projects look like and how they are likely to impact indigenous peoples.

The Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects is an initiative of Tebtebba and Elatia to establish a baseline information on and analysis of GCF approved projects that will potentially impact indigenous peoples positively or negatively. The project is important to see how indigenous rights are being fulfilled in all climate actions, using the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the standard.

This tracker aims to monitor GCF projects that are and will be implemented and will impact indigenous peoples - the GCF IP Policy including the GCF IP Policy Toolkit, as reference points.

We value your contributions. If you know of any GCF financed project or programs being conceptualized or implemented in indigenous territories and you have questions, comments, complaints or recommendations please feel free to contact us. Thank you.



The Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects has links to relevant sections of the Green Climate Fund and GCFWatch websites.


This project is an initiative of




with funding support from



The Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects is a platform dedicated to monitor GCF-approved projects in indigenous territories.


All views expressed in this Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects are of the Indigenous Peoples’ Advocacy Team and of Tebtebba’s and do not represent the funder/s, the Green Climate Fund and the observers of the GCF, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinion are based on indigenous peoples’ reading and research of individual funding proposals and they do not intend to malign any entity, the GCF and National Designated Authorities of the GCF.

Photos were taken from pixabay.com unless otherwise stated.

This project is an initiative of  and    with funding support from