

Green Climate Fund Readiness and Indigenous PeoplesThe discrepancies registered in some countries covered by this study between existing legislation on indigenous peoples and the capacity of National Designated Authorities and Accredited Entities to properly understand, own and fulfill obligations related to indigenous peoples... and their lack of awareness and low level of information on the GCF pose significant challenges. [T]hese would significantly jeopardize the potential opportunities deriving from indigenous peoples’ engagement in the GCF activities and programs at the national level as well as GCF’s capacity to fully acknowledge and facilitate the effective positive contribution of indigenous peoples in pursuing its transformational goals for mitigation and adaptation.

Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund GCFRaising indigenous peoples’ interests at the GCF is a long and continuing arduous process that requires a lot of energy and effort. Indigenous peoples have made significant inroads in the GCF and are opening spaces to meaningfully engage with the GCF at global and national levels... 

This publication was conceived to consolidate the reports, letters and briefing notes of indigenous peoples’ engagement with the GCF thus far. It also aims to celebrate the achievements and account for the challenges and opportunities that indigenous peoples face in the Green Climate Fund.

Policy Briefs and Information Service

Indigenous peoples call for recognition of rights at the Green Climate Fund

tiis sept 9 2016As the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is being pressured to approve more projects and target disbursing US$2.6 billion by end of 2016, indigenous peoples’ issues are being left out.

In its 13th meeting of the GCF Board in Songdo, South Korea on June 28-30, 2016, indigenous peoples expressed their concern that the GCF is out of sync with the emerging international good practice and transformational approaches.


The Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects is a platform dedicated to monitor GCF-approved projects in indigenous territories.


All views expressed in this Indigenous Peoples Tracker on GCF Projects are of the Indigenous Peoples’ Advocacy Team and of Tebtebba’s and do not represent the funder/s, the Green Climate Fund and the observers of the GCF, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinion are based on indigenous peoples’ reading and research of individual funding proposals and they do not intend to malign any entity, the GCF and National Designated Authorities of the GCF.

Photos were taken from unless otherwise stated.

This project is an initiative of  and    with funding support from